Monday, 24 May 2010


sekarang sem 2 dah habis but the next 3 weeks masuk pulak sem 3. jadi senior pulak. budak year 2. where the works and assignments are going double ot triple than before. where the challenge will be more and more tough than before. and where i will learn more and more than before. meeting new phase of life, new aim, new goal and new people. it'll give so much hard for me.

but it takes me to recall my purest aim of my life. to be a GREAT muslim and to be a BETTER person just for ALLAH.

and then, i've come to my decision to face whatever comes in front of me with patience, determination, teamwork and positive mind. 

yet, i'm anxious about that. still, i've to face it in order to know what it is and what it's all about.

we are now walking in a life that GOD has made for us. we're now saying the scripts, the storyline that ALLAH has made for us. to us, learn about HIM. to get to know HIM. for us, to feel HIS love. and now i realise, how FORTUNATE we are...! ALLAH is AR-RAHMAN and AR-RAHIM.
HE loves us so muchhhh!!

there's nothing more to say for now. 
to walk on this road is not a free-ride "thingy".
but it's all involve in somehow what we called give-and-take.

"Sesungguhnya ALLAH telah membeli dari orang-orang mukmin, baik diri mahupun harta mereka dengan syurga untuk mereka. Mereka berperang di jalan ALLAH, sehingga mereka membunuh atau terbunuh, (sebagai) janji yang benar dari ALLAH di dalam Taurat, Injil dan Al-Quran. Dan siapakah yang lebih menepati janjinya selain ALLAH? Maka bergenbiralah dengan jual beli yang telah kamu lakukan itu, dan demikian itulah kemenangan yang agung"


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