Tuesday, 14 February 2012




Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah for everything, ya Allah :) Alhamdulillah, I finished my packing. It feels so great that after weeks by weeks, finally, it's done! hehe. But I think my luggage is more than 30kg so I don't know whether MAS will allow it or not. I just hope and pray to Allah that everything goes fine. Aminnn..

Well, just now, I scroll down most of the posts here in my blog. I see myself; from me being a JK-addiction victim to a person that want to change herself to become one that she wanting for. Yup, somehow, it feels fun to read most of the posts. I see myself in many conditions and I don't know if it's true or not but I see a flower blossoms in it's own way. (I don't know if it's true or not, but it's just from my own perception) 

I can say now, from the writing itself, becomes more mature than before. Just want to tell a secret, actually I really hate to be an adult before this cause to me, being an adult is being a slave to problems. Maybe it comes from my observation. I really am an observer especially with people who I close to and I tend to get influence little bit with surrounding. But now, not so much. *coverlettew* haha :D. Also, I think my writings become more boring and not fun anymore. Always serious and I don't care about that cause I just write when I feel to write. 

I just hope that my writings somehow, someday, somewhere can help people especially Muslims out there. But, I know that's not probably going to happen. In your dreams, bella, in your dreams..haha. I didn't plan at all to be like this. Seriously, I thought I was going to be other kind of person. But hey, who is the best planner? YES, ALLAH IS THE BEST PLANNER! Thank you sooo much, ya Allah ^_^

I don't know whether it is true or not, but this is just my personal thought. I feel like I have a little bit similar  to Prophet Musa a.s. in terms of our plots of life. I heard this  from a speaker in Southern Gathering program where he said the Prophet Musa's life is not going like what he thought. Remember when the Prophet thought that he saw a fire and he said to his family to stay for a while as he wanted to take the fire for them but it turned out that he had a chance to speak with Allah. Another one, is when he ran away from Egypt because he killed a man from Qibti tribe and he didn't even think that he will going to marry one of Prophet Syuaib's daughters. 

Actually before this, I feel jealous when I think or listen to any person's life where he/she had their life exactly what he/she thought. She plans to further her degree in Medicine and do IB Diploma in KMB and Allah allows it to happen. But after listened to what the speaker said, I feel like hey, I'm proud that my life is not actually happened with what I'd plan, it's remind me that Allah is the best planner and I feel I have a similar feeling to share with Prophet Musa. hehee. (I'm sorry for you to have to read this...give me a chance just for a moment, okay? haha)

Okay, I think that's all for today. Thank you for spending your time, reading this thought of mine. Pray for me, I hope Allah makes NZ as a good place for me to learn to be His slave.

May Allah bless you, my readers. Peace out!

Saturday, 11 February 2012



"Segalanya bermula dengan mimpi" - Ikal [Sang Pemimpi]


Kali ini aku tulis sebuah tulisan khas untuk diriku sendiri. Boleh saja kalau anda ikut tumpang sekali, bersama saya untuk kita hadamkan isi-isi tulisanku ini. Semalam baru saja kuhabiskan sebuah cerita yang aku rasakan cukup indah dan realistik buat aku. Malah, cerita ini juga sudah secara rasminya menjadi sebuah inspirasi untuk aku terus mencapai cita-cita. Arai dan Ikal itu mengajar aku untuk sentiasa teguh mengejar mimpiku walau apa jua rintangan yang mendatang. Semakin dekat cita-cita kita untuk berhasil, semakin besar halangan yang akan mendatang. Tapi, jangan pernah berhenti untuk bermimpi dan berharap kepada Allah, kerna itulah yang membuatkan kita terus tsabat di jalan ini. 

Ya, minggu depan merupakan harinya. Hari di mana aku akan pergi ke tempat baru dan akan berjumpa dengan teman-teman baru, sama-sama berjuang demi Allah s.w.t. Kenangan-kenangan aku bersama teman-teman lama tidak akan pernah padam dan seringkali disebalik aktiviti-aktiviti yang dilakukan bersama teman baru itu selalu muncul bayangan-bayangan lama. Ah, Allah saja yang tahu betapa rindunya hati ini pada mereka. Namun, hidup dan pengembaraan ini cuma sekali. Oleh itu, aku harus mula belajar untuk memandang ke hadapan kerana aku percaya di hadapan akan ada mereka, teman-temanku yang lama. Aku yakin satu hari nanti pasti kita akan bertemu lagi. Hanya masa, usaha dan keizinan Allah s.w.t yang membatasinya. 

Kehidupan Arai, Ikal dan Jimbron seharian banyak membuatkan aku berfikir. Bagaimana mungkin mereka boleh berusaha keras sehingga berjaya dalam akademik walaupun setiap hari mereka membanting tulang menjadi buruh untuk mencari makan sehari-hari.. Bagaimana mungkin kehidupan mereka yang miskin itu mampu membawa mereka hingga ke Paris... Ternyata kekuatan mimpi atau keazaman itu adalah sesuatu kekuasaan Allah yang sangat hebat dan sekaligus membuktikan betapa hebatnya Allah itu sendiri. 

Jadi masakan watak-watak yang benar itu boleh berjaya dan engkau tidak? Bila dilihat kembali, kehidupan mereka di Manggar itu jauh lebih teruk dari kehidupan kau di Auckland dan mana mungkin mereka boleh berjaya dan engkau tidak? Kunci mereka hanya satu; jangan pernah berhenti bermimpi! Iya, aku mahu kau fikir kembali. Masakan hari-hari yang sukar dapat mereka tempuhi dan kau menganggap dua pekerjaanmu itu takkan berhasil dengan jayanya. Malah, dua pekerjaanmu itu jauh lebih ringan secara kudratnya berbanding pekerjaan mereka. Kau dan mereka, masing-masing mempunyai persepsi yang sama; Pekerjaan  kita bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah!

Allah sudah membuktikan bahawa mereka telah berjaya mencapai mimpi mereka dan mimpi kau pula bagaimana? Mimpi yang selalu kau laung-laungkan dalam hati itu bagaimana? Bagaimana dengan mimpi kau untuk sekalian manusia di dunia ini tunduk dan patuh padaNya? Apakah kau masih mempunyainya? Aku pasti jawapan itu adalah ya, kan!! 

Jika kau yang sedang letih dan penat sepertinya mahu berputus asa sedang membacakan ini, ingatlah tatkala Arai dan Ikal itu bekerja keras di Jakarta selama tiga tahun lebih untuk mencapai mimpi mereka. Biarpun, tahun demi tahun berlalu, mereka masih bekerja keras untuk pergi ke Paris dan mimpi itu tidak pernah mereka lupakan. Masakan kau baru beberapa masa yang sedikit ini baru saja dicabar mahu mengalah? Ingat wahai diriku, Kota Konstatinopel itu tak pernah putus usahanya untuk ditawan oleh Muslim. Biarpun beratus-ratus tahun berlalu, namun semangat dan fikrah untuk membuktikan Allah dan Rasulullah itu benar masih sama dan serupa kepekatannya. Mahukah kau untuk berputus asa? Jangan pernah kau padamkan mimpi itu kerana halangan itu bersifat seperti biskut Mariemu. Temporary tetapi tidak putus. 

Wahai diriku yang inginkan semangat untuk berjuang, ingatlah tatkala Aril itu selalu mengingatkan Ikal tentang mimpi mereka. Peringatan yang selalu itu banyak membantu mereka untuk memulihkan semangat mereka kembali. Maka pergilah mencari teman-teman baru atau lamamu untuk mereka mengingatkanmu selalu. Ingatkan saat-saat mimpi itu berjaya. Ingatkan saat-saat kejayaan kecil-kecilan kamu itu berhasil. Maka, tariklah nafasmu, bacalah dengan nama Allah, dan teruskan perjuanganmu walau kamu merangkak perlahan-lahan. Pada waktu itu ingatlah Allah sedang memerhatikan hambaNya sedang melawan nafsu keranaNya!

Tak usah kau tonton kembali cerita kegemaranmu itu. Cukup saja kau membaca nukilan ini berulang-kali buat kau sentiasa mengingati mimpimu itu. Tugasmu hanyalah dua sahaja, menjadi hamba dan khalifahNya. Aku yakin kau akan dapat lunaskan kerja duniamu itu, pelajar dan daie dengan sejaya-jayanya! Biar Allah saja yang membalas semua keringatmu, wahai diri! 

Ayuh, bangkit kembali untuk gapai mimpimu!! 
Ayuh, bangkit kembali untuk mencapai RedhaNya!!
Ayuh, bangkit kembali untuk masa depanmu yang hakiki itu!!

Allahu Akbar!
Allahu Akbar!
Allahu Akbar!
wa lillahil hamd.


p/s: this post is specially dedicated to myself and for those who can relate to. I wrote this in the hope of that I can boost myself in the future. Jazakallahu khair. 

Wednesday, 8 February 2012




"Mereka itulah orang yang diberi nikmat oleh Allah, yaitu dari (golongan) para nabi dari keturunan Adam, dan dari orang yang Kami bawa (dalam kapal) bersama Nuh, dan dari keturunan Ibrahim dan Israil (Yakub) dan dari orang yang telah Kami beri petunjuk dan telah Kami pilih. Apabila dibacakan ayat-ayat Allah yang Maha Pengasih kepada mereka, maka mereka tunduk sujud dan menangis. "

"Kemudian datanglah setelah mereka, pengganti yang mengabaikan salat dan mengikuti keinginannya, maka mereka kelak akan sesat, "

"kecuali orang yang bertobat, beriman dan mengerjakan kebajikan, maka mereka itu akan masuk surga dan tidak dizalimi (dirugikan) sedikit pun,"

"yaitu surga 'Adn yang telah dijanjikan oleh Tuhan yang Maha Pengasih kepada hamba-hambaNya, sekalipun (surga itu) tidak tampak. Sungguh, (janji Allah) itu pasti ditepati."

Ya Allah, Kau kuatkan iman-iman kami! Kau berilah kekuatan kepada kami. Kau lembutkanlah hati kami yang keras ini.. Hanya padaMu kami memohon, ya Allah dan hanya Kau yang memegang hati-hati kami..

T_T jiwa ini tak disuka dibiar keras kematu. basahkanlah, ya Allah!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012



InsyaAllah today, will going to write something serious (is there any not-serious post in your blog, bella?). Anyway, before that, Salam Maulidur Rasul to all of you, my dear readers! Happy birthday, my beloved Rasulullah saw!! I really hope to be one of the people who sit along beside you in the Jannah, ya rasulullah!! T_T

As for Maulidur Rasul, I want to talk about our brothers and sisters in Syria. It started from this morning when I saw a tweet from one of my friends in KMB, praying for Syrians. From there, I googled about it and found out that there are many versions of Syrian Revolution. 

I bet there will be some of the people who will have difficulties to know who's in the right side and who's in the wrong side. Actually, the revolution began from the act of children drew some graffiti that shown elements of objection to the Basyir al-Assad's government. After that, all the children has been abducted and there are a child that tortured to death. I don't know if all of the children are tortured to death cause I only found news about a child named Hamza Ali al-Khateeb for that matter. 

I also found about As-syahidah Zainab Umar Al-Husni. This is where I get two different sources about her. Media can be so complicated and I can say, whoever conquers the media, he/she can conquer the world. You can't even tell who is actually the guilt unless you are the victim or you've been there in Syria. But now, alhamdulillah, people are more intelligent (I guess) where they don't believe one source only, especially the mainstream famously known media broadcasting (you think it by yourself, okay?).

I hope that me and you, my readers will be a very good Muslim, has this strong sensitivity about Islam and our brothers and sisters all around the world. Cause being a Muslim, it's not all about ourselves, it's about us and how can you say you love someone but you dare to laugh when he/she suffers. I thought by posting about this (Syrian Revolution) will help them somewhere somehow. Yes, I admit I don't always have the muslim-sensitivity button turns on. If there's something happens about anything especially about Muslim all around, just let me know okay.

I pray to Allah that one day (asap), Allah will reveal the truth and make all of His slaves happily ever after :) The syahids and syahidahs always energizes my dream to have that title one day..aminn!

Peace out!

Friday, 3 February 2012



What a great feeling when I heard the highly-spirited voice, talking about how important we have to be 'Ibadurrahman (Slaves of The Most Gracious), the Rabbani people. Oh, every time I heard the voice, the feeling was such a bless. I feel lucky, sad, repent and so much more. Alhamdulillah Allah, for giving me a chance to learn a lot this week. There shall be no things that I can repay Your gifts except for Alhamdulillah and a little effort. 

Just hearing the voice makes something happens in my heart. Something that makes me feel sad, wanting to cry. How can a person who is so old and have to be helped when he walks can do all this dakwah with a great spirit! That day, I don't saw an old man but I saw a very energetic slave of Allah who did everything that he can for the sake of Allah. I feel so shame to complain for every trials that Allah tested me. T_T

To listen to the lecture, masyaAllah! A very deep and self-reflecting lecture. Indeed, it is a need for me to do everything that I can to have the blessings and strength from Allah. DO EVERYTHING, BELLA! Qiam especially T_T. Only Allah can give the inner strength that every 'Ibadurrahman has. Start working and working to build your inner strength! O Allah, only to You, I beg the strength and iman! T_T

This is not a playful things that we did. This is something for the sake of Allah. 

To be the strong person, we must be the strong 'abid. Everything goes back to the basic ; relationship between you and Allah. If it's strong, then you are a true strong Muslim. If not, you are just like a robot that can be broken anytime. 

One of the things that I love to point out from the session is one of the people ask a question, "What do you think of Malaysia, can Malaysia be like Egypt who already reach the Daulah Islamiyah stage looking at the political situation in Malaysia now?" A very interesting answer that I remember the most from the session is;

"Do not look at what people (Ikhwanul Muslimin) have achieved but look at how many has Ikhwan put the effort, how much things, money, lives etc. that they had sacrificed for the sake of Allah and Islam. It is not the result that we compared of but the works and efforts." 

Allah...my heart cries to hear that. T_T

How many efforts that already we work? How many? Yes, we can dream to be like them but the crucial that we need to do now is to move and work hard. 

Reflecting myself, I can say, it would take a long journey to be those rabbaniyin but insyaAllah, I am taking baby steps to be one of them and I pray that it is consistently happens. T_T

May Allah bless the speaker..and give all of Muslim the awareness to always strive to have an everlasting deep relationship with Allah. Then, we can be like those Great Quranic Generation that we know.

May Allah bless you, my readers :) Thanks for reading. 

p/s: the question and answer are not in the exact words.