Monday, 22 September 2014


"Lejen muslimah kena selalu senyum, sebarkan cinta bagi orang merasa kekuatan utk terus melangkah dalam dnt" (Haliza)

Semenjak dua menjak ni, aku selalu perasan akhawat banyak suruh aku senyum. Yelah, aku ini peribadi dahla tegas, muka pon serius, mana adik2 nak rapat dgn aku. Selalulah jugak takde mood. Tapi bukan kehendak aku, muka mcm hape je ni. 

Bukan senang kau stress, kau sedih, kau penat, kau banyak fikir tapi kau kena tetap senyum depan orang. Kena pulak aku jenis tak pandai menipu. Apa aku rasa itu aku tunjuk. 

Ya Allah, Ya Rasulullah, macamana Rasulullah yang sangat busy dan orang paling berat taklifan kat dunia ini tak pernah lekang pada senyuman di mukanya. Aku sgt inspired bila dengar kata-kata sahabat Rasulullah ni yang dia tak pernah jumpa Rasulullah dalam keadaan tidak pernah mengukir senyuman. He is one awesome man in the world. Rasa rindu sgt pada Rasulullahh T_T 

Baru-baru ini jugak jumpa lagu ini. I would say, this is my recent favourite song! Moga aku kuat terus meng-improve diri. Tarbiyah aku sekarang ni mengajar aku utk try buat something yang semua orang susah nak buat. Mengukir senyuman di saat kau tak rasa nak senyum. ~_~

All in all, tabassam bella tabassam! Kerana Rasulullah pun sentiasa tersenyum.

Tabassam - Lyrics: تبسّم

بتعقّد ليه في حياتك؟
(Why do you complicate your life?)

و بتحزن و تتأثّر
(Why the sadness and despair?)

لو كنت ناسي تذكّر
(If you forgot then remember…)

سيرة نبينا و فكّر
(The life of our Prophet, and contemplate…)

اسمع كلامه تفاءل
(Follow his advice and be optimistic)

بَشّر و لا تنفّر
(Give glad tidings, do not scare people away)

و وحّد الله في قلبك
(And allow none but Allah in your heart)

قادر في عسرك ييسّر
He has the power to turn your hardship into ease)

صَلِّ علي النبي و تبسم
(Send blessings upon the Prophet and smile!)

ده النبي تبسم و تبسم
(For the Prophet smiled and smiled)

ده النبي تبسم
(For the Prophet smiled)

اللهم صَلِّ عليه
(O Allah, send Your blessings upon him)

قوم صَلِّ و ادعِ من قلبك
(Stand up to pray and supplicate from your heart)

هيبعد الهمّ عنك
(He will take your worries away)

طول ما أنت مؤمن بربك
(As long as you believe in your Lord…)

هيكون عند حسن ظنك
(He will be as your good opinion is of Him)

و قول يا رب أنا عبدك - يا الله
(And say “O Lord, I am your slave - O Allah!”)

راضي بقضائك و عدلك - يا الله
(“I am content with Your decree and Your justice - O Allah!")

اعقلها بس و توكّل
(Do your part and then rely on Him)

و خلِّ على الله أملك ، و صَلِّ
(And pin all your hopes on Allah, and pray)

جبت اليأس منين؟
(Where did all this despair come from?)

قلِّي إيمانك فين؟
(Tell me, where is your faith gone?!)

كله بأمر الله
(Everything that happens is by the will of Allah)

Monday, 15 September 2014


Para syuhada' semua sedang bergembira di Syurga sana..
Kau bila lagi Bella?

Ya Allah, matikan aku sewaktu imanku berada di puncak
Ya Allah, berikan aku syahid di jalanMu
Ya Allah, jadikan kematianku kematian yang menghidupkan hati-hati yang lalai
Ya Allah, berikanlah kami husnul khatimah
Allahumma aminn

أّيهَا الأحرَارُ سيروا للخُلُود .. واعْبُرُوا جِسرَ المَنَايَا واللُّحُود
Wahai jiwa yang merdeka, teruskan perjalanan yang abadi... (para Syuhada')
Dan lintaslah atas jambatan kematian dan lahad-lahad..

إنَّمَا تُدرَكُ بالمَوتِ العُلا .. وكَذَا الأمجَادُ بالسِيْفِ تَعُود
Sesungguhnya ketinggian darjat itu diraih dengan kematian.. (syahid)
Dan begitu juga kemuliaan, akan kembali dengan pedang (jihad)

لاَحَتِ الجنّاتُ مِن خَلفِ العِدَى .. فاعْبُرُوا الأَهوَال للمِجدِ التَلِيد
Syurga Allah sedang bersinar2 di belakang para musuh..
Maka lintasilah halangan2 (musuh) itu menuju kemuliaan yang agung

لا تهابوا زمرةَ اللِّيْلِ فَمَن .. يَعتَصِم بالله حتمًا سَيَسُود
Jangan takuti kegelapan malam, maka barangsiapa
Berpegang teguh dengan Allah (janji n syariatNya) sudah pasti akan menang (atau memimpin dunia)

موعِدُ الحَسِمِ أتَى فلتُقدِمُوا .. لَقِّنُوا البَاغِين درسًا فِي الصُمُود
Waktu perjuangan telah tiba maka majulah ke depan..
Ajarlah musuh-musuh ingkar itu satu pelajaran, tentang ketabahan (kamu)

واقْلَعُوا الأَشْوَاكَ مِن جَنَّاتِهَا .. وازْرَعُوهَا مِن جَدِيدٍ بالوُرُود"
Dan cabutlah duri-duri itu dari tanahnya (tamannya)....
Dan tanamkanlah semula di tempat itu dengan mawar-mawar (yang harum)

Moga kita terus kuat..

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Assalamualaikum wbt

Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah ya Rabb! Allah still gives me chance to work hard for him. Alhamdulillah Allah still gives me the passion in what I am doing rite now. Doing the coolest job on Earth – being a murabbi and study J I am so grateful for what Allah has done to me. He always cares and my life always progressed day by day. Be it cheerful or painful.

These second semester brought me in a phase of life that I would say make me realise this is a serious matter. Things become more serious, more responsibility and more dedication. You’re not a kid anymore, bella. Yesterday, my mom told me that she dreamt of me, crying. She texted me asking if there’s anything happened to me or do I am in the middle of money problem or what. I was smiled when she said to me about this as I remembered one of my ukht told me that her mother dreamt about her a few days ago. Maybe this is what gonna happen when you don’t spend time with your family. My mother is missing me, I conclude.

Yeah, I admit that this semester already saw in many situations. Be it stressed, crying so hard cause you’re so tired that you cannot do anything except from cry and act tough. I’m not gonna tell bad things to my mom as I want her to be in ease and happy. I would say all those ‘negative’ situation were not bad at all. They taught me a lot and build so much feelings towards dakwah. When you’re emotionally engaged with something, that means you’re ‘enjoying’ the thing. Do you get what I mean?

This path is not a very ‘dry’ path, I would say. It takes many things from you, and that’s what makes you really can relate emotionally to people who were in this path before like Rasulullah, all the prophets, companions and others. That’s the thing that you cannot get anywhere else other than being in this path. This is what makes this path so special that you’re not just know you God and your purpose in life but you live in what you believe. You can feel yourself so ‘live’ that you enjoy all the challenges that Allah prepares for you. Then, you can say that Islam is the way of life. Islam is neither in the form of knowledge nor in the form of feeling only. It’s what you live with and what you live for.

I pray to Allah that He always keep me in this path with all my sisters and brothers throughout the nation. May Allah keep us steadfast and grant us more understanding in this path that makes us keep on moving and get working even more.

It is so heart-wrenched to hear some of the people’s perception to me and others doing this work but I know that as long as we work hard to spread Islam to people in proper planning and strategies, all those comments are not valid. I am human, I cannot satisfy many people. You, yourself, are as well. You don’t even satisfy me when you produced such words. I pray that both of us keep on working to be the best in the eyes of Allah. May Allah grant us Jannah insyaAllah.

In the end, this life is not about you or me, it’s about who is more pleased by Allah. Allah is the main character in this life. That’s it.

Keep on praying for us, our mutarabbi to be the people who have such a strong relationship with Allah, such a great akhlak and great support of materials to be used for His cause. Allahumma amin.